The arrival of Dump Truck season couldn't be timed better, accompanied by the nice, spring-like weather we are having this weekend in the Northwest. It makes many of us eager for longer, sunnier days and warmer temperatures. These types of outdoor conditions are often accompanied by activities such as fishing, rafting, kayaking, camping, biking and all sorts of great adventures. For many of us, a day of outdoor fun ends with a barbecue meal with friends. No matter how you choose to enjoy the coming season, Bayern Brewing is pleased to announce that you will soon be able to add a light, flavorful, refreshing Dump Truck to your outdoor fun. How soon? Read on...

Bayern will be shipping to our distributors around the Northwest this week. They'll get it out into the market for you to enjoy at your favorite establishment, or pick up a 6-pack in stores very soon. There are some who simply can't wait though...we know how you feel. Everyone at Bayern is really excited for Summer! So we are having a Dump Truck Summer Sneak Peak on Monday. You can get some prerelease Dump Truck at our Tasting Room in Missoula and, if you show up in your summer gear (think river sandals, zinc oxide on your nose, Hawaiian shirt, PFD, etc.) you may win a prize! Prost!
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